2015 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 29
12:00pm — 1:30pm
Jake Jabs Center at CU Denver - 5th Floor (Laube Commons)
171 attending

When is it right to re-write?

Inevitably as a company grows, the business outgrows it's initial code base. When you begin you develop for speed and time to market. Minimal Viable Product, many tests, many failures and hopefully a few success. Once you have found something that works, it is likely that the company you have is not the company you started building. But as your company grows when do you sacrifice the next feature built the next week, for the inevitable need to sometimes just start fresh?

Todd Tobin CTO at Craftsy.com shares his companies journey from a wide online education business, to a craft focused busienss, to the companies vision to become the next great Crafting retail destination. How did the code base change with the business and when was enough, enough and it became time for the bold move to recreate the site from the ground up.