2014 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 18
8:00am — 9:00am
Denver City Center
209 attending

Ask an Ex-Hacker Anything!

Matt Rosentrater has been in the hacking world for 30+ years. He has been hacking since the days of the Commodore 64 and was part of the first online hacking clans. When he was in his early 20's Matt finally got caught and thrown under lock and key. It didn't take long for IBM to recognize his talent and pick him up. In a few short years he become one of the first Ethical Hackers and top IBM Executives. Matt has audited and tested the security of some of the world's largest institutions. Such as Zurich Financial Systems, American Express, Disney, Johnson & Johnson and so on. 7 years ago he decided to part ways with IBM and start his own Security Company known as Tekkis. For the past 7 years Matt continues to help large corporations make sure they are ahead of the game when it comes to protecting themselves from the hacker infested waters of the internet.

The panel is simple, everyone has questions on hacking, security and what goes on in the Dark Net. Why not ask someone who has seen it all from the beginning? Ask him any sort of question you like whether it's related to helping your own business or just curiosity.

This panel is super awesome because there are few REAL hackers willing to share information and have been around when it all began. Many say they can hack but are no where near the level of some of the Old School Hackers. A lot of the real hackers are the most unassuming and chameleon like characters. Who wouldn't want to pick the brain of the most feared people when it comes to the digital age??

Hunter Technical Resources will be providing coffee, juice & breakfast.